Package io.jenetics

Interface NumericChromosome<N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>,G extends NumericGene<N,G>>

All Superinterfaces:
BaseSeq<G>, BoundedChromosome<N,G>, Chromosome<G>, Factory<Chromosome<G>>, Iterable<G>, RandomAccess, Verifiable
All Known Implementing Classes:
BigIntegerChromosome, DoubleChromosome, IntegerChromosome, LongChromosome

public interface NumericChromosome<N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>,G extends NumericGene<N,G>> extends BoundedChromosome<N,G>
Numeric chromosome interface.
See Also:
Implementation Requirements:
Implementations of the NumericChromosome interface must be immutable and guarantee efficient random access (O(1)) to the genes. A Chromosome must contains at least one Gene.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default byte
    Return the byte value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
    default byte
    byteValue(int index)
    Return the byte value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
    default double
    Return the double value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
    default double
    doubleValue(int index)
    Return the double value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
    default float
    Return the float value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
    default float
    floatValue(int index)
    Return the float value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
    default int
    Return the int value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
    default int
    intValue(int index)
    Return the int value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
    default long
    Return the long value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
    default long
    longValue(int index)
    Return the long value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
    default short
    Return the short value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
    default short
    shortValue(int index)
    Return the short value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.

    Methods inherited from interface io.jenetics.util.BaseSeq

    forEach, get, isEmpty, iterator, length, listIterator, nonEmpty, spliterator, stream

    Methods inherited from interface io.jenetics.BoundedChromosome

    max, min

    Methods inherited from interface io.jenetics.Chromosome

    as, gene, isValid, newInstance

    Methods inherited from interface io.jenetics.util.Factory

    instances, newInstance
  • Method Details

    • byteValue

      default byte byteValue(int index)
      Return the byte value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
      index - the index of the NumericGene.
      the byte value of the Gene with the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= length()).
    • byteValue

      default byte byteValue()
      Return the byte value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
      the byte value of the Gene with index 0.
    • shortValue

      default short shortValue(int index)
      Return the short value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
      index - the index of the NumericGene.
      the short value of the Gene with the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= length()).
    • shortValue

      default short shortValue()
      Return the short value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
      the short value of the Gene with index 0.
    • intValue

      default int intValue(int index)
      Return the int value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
      index - the index of the NumericGene.
      the int value of the Gene with the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= length()).
    • intValue

      default int intValue()
      Return the int value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
      the int value of the Gene with index 0.
    • longValue

      default long longValue(int index)
      Return the long value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
      index - the index of the NumericGene.
      the long value of the Gene with the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= length()).
    • longValue

      default long longValue()
      Return the long value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
      the long value of the Gene with index 0.
    • floatValue

      default float floatValue(int index)
      Return the float value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
      index - the index of the NumericGene.
      the float value of the Gene with the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= length()).
    • floatValue

      default float floatValue()
      Return the float value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
      the float value of the Gene with index 0.
    • doubleValue

      default double doubleValue(int index)
      Return the double value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
      index - the index of the NumericGene.
      the double value of the Gene with the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= length()).
    • doubleValue

      default double doubleValue()
      Return the double value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
      the double value of the Gene with index 0.