Interface Accumulator<T,​A extends Accumulator<T,​A,​R>,​R>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of input elements to the accumulate operation
    A - the accumulator type
    R - the result type of the accumulated operation
    All Superinterfaces:
    Collector<T,​A,​R>, Consumer<T>

    public interface Accumulator<T,​A extends Accumulator<T,​A,​R>,​R>
    extends Consumer<T>, Collector<T,​A,​R>
    This interface lets you accumulate elements of type T to a result of type R. In contrast to a Collector an Accumulator can deliver intermediate results while accumulating. An accumulator can be created from any Collector with the (of(Collector)) method.
    final Accumulator<Integer, ?, List<Integer>> accu = Accumulator.of(Collectors.toList()); final ISeq<List<Integer>> result = IntStream.range(0, 10).boxed() .peek(accu) .map(i -> accu.result()) .collect(ISeq.toISeq()); result.forEach(System.out::println);
    The code above gives you the following output.
    API Note:
    In contrast to the Collector interface, the Accumulator is not mergeable. The accumulator is not thread-safe and can't be used for parallel streams when used as Consumer in the Stream.peek(Consumer) or Stream.forEach(Consumer) method. Obtaining a synchronized view of the accumulator with the synced() method, will solve this problem. If the accumulator is used as Collector, the usage in parallel streams is safe.
    • Method Detail

      • result

        R result()
        Return a copy of the current result of the accumulated elements. The accumulated elements are not changed by this method.
        the current result of the accumulated elements
      • combine

        default A combine​(A other)
        Combines this accumulator with the other one.
        other - the other accumulator
        the combined accumulator
        UnsupportedOperationException - unless it's overridden by the implementation
      • synced

        default Accumulator<T,​?,​Rsynced​(Object lock)
        Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) accumulator backed by this accumulator. The given lock is used as synchronization object.
        lock - the lock used for synchronization
        a synchronized (thread-safe) accumulator backed by this accumulator
        NullPointerException - if the given lock is null
      • synced

        default Accumulator<T,​?,​Rsynced()
        Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) accumulator backed by this accumulator. this accumulator is used as synchronization object.
        a synchronized (thread-safe) accumulator backed by this accumulator
      • of

        static <T,​R> Accumulator<T,​?,​R> of​(Collector<T,​?,​R> collector)
        Create a new accumulator from the given collector.
        final Accumulator<Integer, ?, ISeq<Integer>> accu = Accumulator.of(ISeq.toISeq());
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of input elements to the reduction operation
        R - the result type of the reduction operation
        collector - the collector which is used for accumulation and creation the result value.
        a new accumulator which is backed by the given collector
        NullPointerException - if the given collector is null