Interface InvertibleCodec<T,​G extends Gene<?,​G>>

    • Method Detail

      • encoder

        Function<T,​Genotype<G>> encoder()
        Return the encoder function which transforms a value from the native problem domain back to the genotype. This is the inverse of the Codec.decoder() function. The following code snippet shows how a given value in the native problem domain can be converted into a Genotype and transformed back.
        final InvertibleCodec<int[], IntegerGene> codec = Codecs.ofVector(IntRange.of(0, 100), 6); final int[] value = new int[]{3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 3}; final Genotype<IntegerGene> gt = codec.encode(value); assert Arrays.equals(value, codec.decode(gt));
        value encoder function
        See Also:
        Codec.decoder(), encode(Object)
      • encode

        default Genotype<Gencode​(T value)
        Decodes the given value, which is an element of the native problem domain, into a Genotype.
        value - the value of the native problem domain
        the genotype, which represents the given value
      • map

        default <B> InvertibleCodec<B,​Gmap​(Function<? super T,​? extends B> mapper,
                                                   Function<? super B,​? extends T> inverseMapper)
        Create a new InvertibleCodec with the mapped result type. This method can also be used for creating non-trivial codes like split ranges, as shown in the following example, where only values between [0, 2) and [8, 10) are valid.
        +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |-----|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|-----| ^ |llllllll|rrrrrrrr| ^ | | | | +-------+ +------+
        final InvertibleCodec<Double, DoubleGene> codec = Codecs .ofScalar(DoubleRange.of(0, 10)) .map(v -> { if (v >= 2 && v < 8) { return v < 5 ? ((v - 2)/3)*2 : ((8 - v)/3)*2 + 8; } return v; }, Function.identity());
        Type Parameters:
        B - the new argument type of the given problem
        mapper - the mapper function
        inverseMapper - the inverse function of the mapper
        a new InvertibleCodec with the mapped result type
        NullPointerException - if one the mapper is null.
        See Also:
      • of

        static <T,​G extends Gene<?,​G>> InvertibleCodec<T,​G> of​(Factory<Genotype<G>> encoding,
                                                                                 Function<? super Genotype<G>,​? extends T> decoder,
                                                                                 Function<? super T,​Genotype<G>> encoder)
        Create a new invertible codec from the given parameters.
        Type Parameters:
        G - the Gene type
        T - the fitness function argument type in the problem domain
        encoding - the genotype factory used for creating new Genotypes
        decoder - decoder function, which converts a Genotype to a value in the problem domain.
        encoder - encoder function, which converts a value of the problem domain into a Genotype
        a new InvertibleCodec object with the given parameters.
        NullPointerException - if one of the arguments is null.