Interface LossFunction<T>

Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

This function evaluates how well an evolved program tree fits the given sample data set. If the predictions are totally off, the loss function will output a higher value. If they're pretty good, it’ll output a lower number. It is the essential part of the overall Error function.
final Error<Double> error = Error.of(LossFunction::mse);
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    apply(T[] calculated, T[] expected)
    Calculates the error between the expected function values and the values calculated by the actual ProgramGene.
    static double
    mae(Double[] calculated, Double[] expected)
    Mean absolute error is measured as the average of sum of absolute differences between predictions and actual observations.
    static double
    mse(Double[] calculated, Double[] expected)
    Mean square error is measured as the average of squared difference between predictions and actual observations.
    static double
    rmse(Double[] calculated, Double[] expected)
    Root-mean-square error is measured as the average of squared difference between predictions and actual observations.
  • Method Details

    • apply

      double apply(T[] calculated, T[] expected)
      Calculates the error between the expected function values and the values calculated by the actual ProgramGene.
      calculated - the currently calculated function value
      expected - the expected function values
      the error value
      IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the two arrays is not equal
      NullPointerException - if one of the double[] arrays is null
    • mse

      static double mse(Double[] calculated, Double[] expected)
      Mean square error is measured as the average of squared difference between predictions and actual observations.
      calculated - the function values calculated with the current program tree
      expected - the expected function value as given by the sample points
      the mean square error
      IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the two arrays is not equal
      NullPointerException - if one of the double[] arrays is null
      See Also:
    • rmse

      static double rmse(Double[] calculated, Double[] expected)
      Root-mean-square error is measured as the average of squared difference between predictions and actual observations.
      calculated - the function values calculated with the current program tree
      expected - the expected function value as given by the sample points
      the mean square error
      IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the two arrays is not equal
      NullPointerException - if one of the double[] arrays is null
      See Also:
    • mae

      static double mae(Double[] calculated, Double[] expected)
      Mean absolute error is measured as the average of sum of absolute differences between predictions and actual observations.
      calculated - the function values calculated with the current program tree
      expected - the expected function value as given by the sample points
      the mean absolute error
      IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the two arrays is not equal
      NullPointerException - if one of the double[] arrays is null