Class SentenceGenerator<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class SentenceGenerator<T> extends Object implements Generator<T,List<Cfg.Terminal<T>>>
Standard implementation of a sentence generator. The generator can generate sentences by expanding the grammar in a SentenceGenerator.Expansion.LEFT_MOST or SentenceGenerator.Expansion.LEFT_TO_RIGHT order.

The following code snippet shows how to create a random sentence from a given grammar:

final Cfg<String> cfg = Bnf.parse(""" <expr> ::= ( <expr> <op> <expr> ) | <num> | <var> | <fun> ( <arg>, <arg> ) <fun> ::= FUN1 | FUN2 <arg> ::= <expr> | <var> | <num> <op> ::= + | - | * | / <var> ::= x | y <num> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 """ ); final var random = RandomGenerator.of("L64X256MixRandom"); final var generator = new SentenceGenerator<String>( SymbolIndex.of(random), 1_000 ); final List<Terminal<String>> sentence = generator.generate(cfg); final String string = .map(Symbol::name) .collect(Collectors.joining()); System.out.println(string);
Some sample output:
> ((x-FUN1(5,5))+8) > (FUN2(y,5)-FUN2(0,x)) > x > FUN2(x,x) > 5 > FUN2(y,FUN2((FUN1(5,FUN1(y,2))*9),y)) > ((FUN1(x,5)*9)*(x/(y*FUN2(x,y)))) > (9-(y*(x+x)))
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SentenceGenerator

      public SentenceGenerator(SymbolIndex index, SentenceGenerator.Expansion expansion, int limit)
      Create a new sentence generator from the given parameters.
      index - the symbol index function used for generating the sentences
      expansion - the sentence generation strategy to use for generating the sentences
      limit - the maximal allowed sentence length. If the generated sentence exceeds this length, the generation is interrupted and an empty sentence (empty list) is returned.
    • SentenceGenerator

      public SentenceGenerator(SymbolIndex index, int limit)
      Create a new sentence generator from the given parameters.
      index - the symbol index function used for generating the sentences
      limit - the maximal allowed sentence length. If the generated sentence exceeds this length, the generation is interrupted and an empty sentence (empty list) is returned.
  • Method Details

    • generate

      public List<Cfg.Terminal<T>> generate(Cfg<? extends T> cfg)
      Generates a new sentence from the given grammar, cfg.
      Specified by:
      generate in interface Generator<T,List<Cfg.Terminal<T>>>
      cfg - the generating grammar
      a newly created terminal list (sentence), or an empty list if the length of the sentence exceeds the defined sentence limit
    • toString

      public static String toString(List<? extends Cfg.Symbol<?>> sentence)
      Converts a list of symbols to a string, by concatenating the names of the given symbols.
      sentence - the symbol list to covert
      the converted sentences