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a - Variable in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.Param
The parameter a of the LC recursion.
AbstractAlterer<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
Abstract implementation of the alterer interface.
AbstractAlterer(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.AbstractAlterer
Constructs an alterer with a given recombination probability.
AbstractChromosome<G extends Gene<?,G>> - Class in org.jenetics
The abstract base implementation of the Chromosome interface.
AbstractChromosome(ISeq<? extends G>) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
Create a new AbstractChromosome from the given genes array.
accept(EvolutionResult<?, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
accept(double) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMomentStatistics
Records a new value into the moments information
accept(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMomentStatistics
Records a new value into the moments information
accept(long) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
Records a new value into the moments information
accept(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
Records a new value into the moments information
accept(C) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Accept the element for min-max calculation.
accept(double) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
add(Phenotype<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
Add Phenotype to the Population.
add(int, Phenotype<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
Add Phenotype to the Population.
addAll(Collection<? extends Phenotype<G, C>>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Phenotype<G, C>>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
alter(Population<G, C>, long) - Method in interface org.jenetics.Alterer
Alters (recombine) a given population.
alter(Population<G, C>, long) - Method in class org.jenetics.Mutator
Concrete implementation of the alter method.
alter(Population<G, C>, long) - Method in class org.jenetics.Recombinator
Alterer<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Interface in org.jenetics
The Alterer is responsible for the changing/recombining the Population.
alterers(Alterer<G, C>, Alterer<G, C>...) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The alterers used for alter the offspring population.
andThen(Alterer<G, C>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.Alterer
Returns a composed alterer that applies the this alterer to its input, and then applies the after alterer to the result.
AnyChromosome<A> - Class in org.jenetics
Chromosome implementation, which allows to create genes without explicit implementing the Chromosome interface.
AnyChromosome(ISeq<AnyGene<A>>, Supplier<? extends A>, Predicate<? super A>, Predicate<? super ISeq<? super A>>) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.AnyChromosome
Create a new AnyChromosome from the given genes array.
AnyGene<A> - Class in org.jenetics
Gene implementation, which allows to create genes without explicit implementing the Gene interface.
append(T...) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
append(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
append(T...) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
append(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
append(T...) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return a new Seq with the given values appended.
append(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return a new Seq with the given values appended.
apply(EvolutionStart<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
This method is an alias for the Engine.evolve(EvolutionStart) method.
apply(Double) - Method in class org.jenetics.ExponentialScaler
apply(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return the value at the given index.
as(Class<C>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.Chromosome
Casts this Chromosome to an instance of type C.
ascending() - Method in enum org.jenetics.Optimize
Create an appropriate comparator of the given optimization strategy.
asISeq() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return this sequence as ISeq instance.
asList() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
asList() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns a fixed-size list backed by the specified sequence.
asMSeq() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return this sequence as MSeq instance.


b - Variable in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.Param
The parameter b of the LC recursion.
best(C, C) - Method in enum org.jenetics.Optimize
Return the best value, according to this optimization direction.
BitChromosome - Class in org.jenetics
Implementation of the classical BitChromosome.
BitChromosome(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Create a new bit chromosome from the given bit (byte) array.
BitChromosome(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Create a new BitChromosome from the given byte array.
bitCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Returns the number of bits set to true in this BitChromosome.
BitGene - Enum in org.jenetics
Implementation of a BitGene.
BoltzmannSelector<G extends Gene<?,G>,N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>> - Class in org.jenetics
In this Selector, the probability for selection is defined as.
BoltzmannSelector(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.BoltzmannSelector
Create a new BoltzmannSelector with the given b value.
BoltzmannSelector() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.BoltzmannSelector
Create a new BoltzmannSelector with a default beta of 4.0.
booleanValue() - Method in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
Return the boolean value of this gene.
BoundedChromosome<A extends Comparable<? super A>,G extends BoundedGene<A,G>> - Interface in org.jenetics
Chromosome interface for BoundedGenes.
BoundedGene<A extends Comparable<? super A>,G extends BoundedGene<A,G>> - Interface in org.jenetics
Base interface for genes where the alleles are bound by a minimum and a maximum value.
build() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Builds an new Engine instance from the set properties.
builder() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new evolution Engine.Builder initialized with the values of the current evolution Engine.
builder(Problem<T, G, C>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new evolution Engine.Builder for the given Problem.
builder(Function<? super Genotype<G>, ? extends C>, Factory<Genotype<G>>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new evolution Engine.Builder with the given fitness function and genotype factory.
builder(Function<? super Genotype<G>, ? extends C>, Chromosome<G>, Chromosome<G>...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new evolution Engine.Builder with the given fitness function and chromosome templates.
builder(Function<? super T, ? extends C>, Codec<T, G>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new evolution Engine.Builder with the given fitness function and problem codec.
byExecutionTime(Duration, Clock) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.limit
Return a predicate, which will truncate the evolution stream if the GA execution exceeds a given time duration.
byExecutionTime(Duration) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.limit
Return a predicate, which will truncate the evolution stream if the GA execution exceeds a given time duration.
byFitnessConvergence(int, int, BiPredicate<DoubleMoments, DoubleMoments>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.limit
Return a predicate, which will truncate the evolution stream if the fitness is converging.
byFitnessConvergence(int, int, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.limit
Return a predicate, which will truncate the evolution stream if the fitness is converging.
byFitnessThreshold(C) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.limit
Return a predicate, which will truncated the evolution stream if the best fitness of the current population becomes less than the specified threshold and the objective is set to minimize the fitness.
byFixedGeneration(long) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.limit
Return a predicate, which will truncate the evolution stream after the given number of generations.
byPopulationConvergence(BiPredicate<Double, DoubleMoments>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.limit
A termination method that stops the evolution when the population is deemed as converged.
byPopulationConvergence(double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.limit
A termination method that stops the evolution when the population is deemed as converged.
bySteadyFitness(int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.limit
Return a predicate, which will truncate the evolution stream if no better phenotype could be found after the given number of generations.
byteValue(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the byte value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
byteValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the byte value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
byteValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericGene
Returns the value of the specified gene as an byte.


CharacterChromosome - Class in org.jenetics
CharacterChromosome which represents character sequences.
CharacterChromosome(ISeq<CharacterGene>) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
Create a new chromosome from the given genes array.
CharacterChromosome(CharSeq, int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
Create a new chromosome with the validCharacters char set as valid characters.
CharacterGene - Class in org.jenetics
Character gene implementation.
charAt(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
charAt(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
CharSeq - Class in org.jenetics.util
This class is used for holding the valid characters of an CharacterGene.
CharSeq(char[]) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
Create a new (distinct) CharSeq from the given characters.
CharSeq(CharSequence) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
Create a new (distinct) CharSeq from the given characters.
charValue() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
Return the char value of this character gene.
Chromosome<G extends Gene<?,G>> - Interface in org.jenetics
A chromosome consists of one or more genes.
clear() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
clock(Clock) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The clock used for calculating the execution durations.
Codec<T,G extends Gene<?,G>> - Interface in org.jenetics.engine
A problem Codec contains the information about how to encode a given argument type into a Genotype.
codec() - Method in interface org.jenetics.engine.Problem
Return the codec, which translates the types of the problem domain into types, which can be understand by the evolution Engine.
codecs - Class in org.jenetics.engine
This class contains factory methods for creating common problem encodings.
combine(DoubleMomentStatistics) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMomentStatistics
Combine two DoubleMoments statistic objects.
combine(IntMomentStatistics) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMomentStatistics
Combine two IntMoments statistic objects.
combine(LongMomentStatistics) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
Combine two LongMoments statistic objects.
combine(MinMax<C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Combine two MinMax objects.
combine(Quantile) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
Combine two Quantile objects.
compare(T, T) - Method in enum org.jenetics.Optimize
Compares two comparable objects.
compareTo(BitChromosome) - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
compareTo(G) - Method in interface org.jenetics.BoundedGene
compareTo(CharacterGene) - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
compareTo(DoubleGene) - Method in class org.jenetics.DoubleGene
compareTo(EvolutionDurations) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Compares two durations objects.
compareTo(EvolutionResult<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Compare this evolution result with another one, according the populations best individual.
compareTo(EnumGene<A>) - Method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
compareTo(IntegerGene) - Method in class org.jenetics.IntegerGene
compareTo(LongGene) - Method in class org.jenetics.LongGene
compareTo(Phenotype<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
compareTo(CharSeq) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
compose(Alterer<G, C>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.Alterer
Returns a composed alterer that first applies the before alterer to its input, and then applies this alterer to the result.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
contains(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
contains(Character) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
Test whether this character set contains the given character c.
contains(char) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
Test whether this character set contains the given character c.
contains(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.IO.JAXB
Check is the given class is already registered.
contains(Object) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns true if this sequence contains the specified element.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
copy() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Create a new builder, with the current configuration.
copy() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
copy() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Copyable
Return a new copy of type T.
copy() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
Return a shallow copy of this sequence.
Copyable<T> - Interface in org.jenetics.util
This interface indicates, that a class can create a copy of type T.
Crossover<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
Performs a Crossover of two Chromosome.
Crossover(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.Crossover
Constructs an alterer with a given recombination probability.
crossover(MSeq<G>, MSeq<G>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Crossover
Template method which performs the crossover.
crossover(MSeq<G>, MSeq<G>) - Method in class org.jenetics.IntermediateCrossover
crossover(MSeq<G>, MSeq<G>) - Method in class org.jenetics.LineCrossover
crossover(MSeq<G>, MSeq<G>) - Method in class org.jenetics.MultiPointCrossover
crossover(MSeq<EnumGene<T>>, MSeq<EnumGene<T>>) - Method in class org.jenetics.PartiallyMatchedCrossover
crossover(MSeq<G>, MSeq<G>) - Method in class org.jenetics.SinglePointCrossover
crossover(MSeq<G>, MSeq<G>) - Method in class org.jenetics.UniformCrossover


decode(Genotype<G>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.engine.Codec
Converts the given Genotype to the target type T.
decoder() - Method in interface org.jenetics.engine.Codec
Return the decoder function which transforms the genotype back to the original problem domain representation.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.Param
The default PRNG parameters: a = 0xFBD19FBBC5C07FF5L; b = 1
DEFAULT_ALTER_PROBABILITY - Static variable in interface org.jenetics.Alterer
The default alter probability: 0.2
DEFAULT_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
The default character set used by this gene.
deregister(Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.IO.JAXB
De-registers the given JAXB model classes.
descending() - Method in enum org.jenetics.Optimize
Create an appropriate comparator of the given optimization strategy.
DoubleChromosome - Class in org.jenetics
Numeric chromosome implementation which holds 64 bit floating point numbers.
DoubleChromosome(ISeq<DoubleGene>) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
Create a new chromosome from the given genes array.
DoubleChromosome(Double, Double, int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
Create a new random DoubleChromosome.
DoubleChromosome(Double, Double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
Create a new random DoubleChromosome of length one.
DoubleGene - Class in org.jenetics
Implementation of the NumericGene which holds a 64 bit floating point number.
DoubleMoments - Class in org.jenetics.stat
Value objects which contains statistical moments.
DoubleMomentStatistics - Class in org.jenetics.stat
A state object for collecting statistics such as count, min, max, sum, mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis.
DoubleMomentStatistics() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMomentStatistics
Create an empty moments object.
DoubleRange - Class in org.jenetics.util
Double range class.
DoubleSummary - Class in org.jenetics.stat
Value objects which contains statistical summary information.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the double value this BitChromosome represents.
doubleValue(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the double value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
doubleValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the double value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
doubleValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericGene
Returns the value of the specified gene as an double.


empty() - Static method in class org.jenetics.Population
Return an empty population.
EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
Single instance of an empty ISeq.
empty() - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
Return an empty ISeq.
EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Single instance of an empty MSeq.
empty() - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Return an empty MSeq.
EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Single instance of an empty Seq.
empty() - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return an empty Seq.
encoding() - Method in interface org.jenetics.engine.Codec
Return the genotype factory for creating genotypes with the right encoding for the given problem.
Engine<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics.engine
Genetic algorithm engine which is the main class.
Engine.Builder<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics.engine
Builder class for building GA Engine instances.
EnumGene<A> - Class in org.jenetics
Gene which holds enumerable (countable) genes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractAlterer
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.BoltzmannSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStart
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.ExponentialRankSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.ExponentialScaler
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.GaussianMutator
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.IntermediateCrossover
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.LinearRankSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.LineCrossover
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.MeanAlterer
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.MonteCarloSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.MultiPointCrossover
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.Mutator
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.PartiallyMatchedCrossover
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.RouletteWheelSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.SinglePointCrossover
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.StochasticUniversalSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.SwapMutator
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.TournamentSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.TruncationSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.DoubleRange
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IntRange
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.Param
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LongRange
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Compares the specified object with this sequence for equality.
equals(Seq<?>, Object) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Unified method for compare to sequences for equality.
evaluate() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Evaluates the (raw) fitness values and caches it so the fitness calculation is performed only once.
EvolutionDurations - Class in org.jenetics.engine
This class contains timing information about one evolution step.
EvolutionResult<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics.engine
Represents a state of the GA after an evolution step.
EvolutionStart<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics.engine
Represents a state of the GA at the start of an evolution step.
EvolutionStatistics<C extends Comparable<? super C>,FitnessStatistics> - Class in org.jenetics.engine
This class can be used to gather additional statistic information of an evolution process.
EvolutionStream<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Interface in org.jenetics.engine
The EvolutionStream class extends the Java Stream and adds a method for limiting the evolution by a given predicate.
evolve(Population<G, C>, long) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Perform one evolution step with the given population and generation.
evolve(EvolutionStart<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Perform one evolution step with the given evolution start object New phenotypes are created with the fitness function and fitness scaler defined by this engine
executor(Executor) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The executor used by the engine.
expand(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
Expands the character range for the given pattern.
expand(char, char) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
Expands the characters between a and b.
ExponentialRankSelector<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
An alternative to the "weak" LinearRankSelector is to assign survival probabilities to the sorted individuals using an exponential function.
ExponentialRankSelector(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ExponentialRankSelector
Create a new exponential rank selector.
ExponentialRankSelector() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ExponentialRankSelector
Create a new selector with default value of 0.975.
ExponentialScaler - Class in org.jenetics
Implements an exponential fitness scaling, whereby all fitness values are modified the following way.
ExponentialScaler(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ExponentialScaler
Create a new FitnessScaler.
ExponentialScaler(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ExponentialScaler
Create a new FitnessScaler.
ExponentialScaler(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ExponentialScaler
Create a new FitnessScaler.


Factory<T> - Interface in org.jenetics.util
fill(Factory<Phenotype<G, C>>, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
Fills the population with individuals created by the given factory.
fill(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Fill the sequence with values generated by the given factory.
fitness() - Method in interface org.jenetics.engine.Problem
Return the fitness function of the problem in the native problem domain.
fitnessFunction(Function<? super Genotype<G>, ? extends C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Set the fitness function of the evolution Engine.
fitnessScaler(Function<? super C, ? extends C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Set the fitness scaler of the evolution Engine.
floatValue() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the float value this BitChromosome represents.
floatValue(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the float value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
floatValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the float value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
floatValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericGene
Returns the value of the specified gene as an float.
forAll(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Tests whether a predicate holds for all elements of this sequence.


GaussianMutator<G extends NumericGene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
The GaussianMutator class performs the mutation of a NumericGene.
GaussianMutator(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.GaussianMutator
GaussianMutator() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.GaussianMutator
Gene<A,G extends Gene<A,G>> - Interface in org.jenetics
Genes are the atoms of the Jenetics library.
Genotype<G extends Gene<?,G>> - Class in org.jenetics
The central class the GA is working with, is the Genotype.
genotypeFactory(Factory<Genotype<G>>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The genotype factory used for creating new individuals.
genotypeValidator(Predicate<? super Genotype<G>>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The genotype validator used for detecting invalid individuals.
get() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the value of the first gene of this chromosome.
get(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the value on the specified index.
get(int, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Return the gene from the given chromosome- and gene index.
get(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
get(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return the value at the given index.
getAge(long) - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Return the age of this phenotype depending on the given current generation.
getAllele() - Method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
getAllele() - Method in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
getAllele() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
getAllele() - Method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
getAllele() - Method in interface org.jenetics.Gene
Return the allele of this gene.
getAlleleIndex() - Method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
Return the index of the allele this gene is representing.
getAlterCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
The number of altered individuals.
getAlterDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
Return the duration statistics needed for altering the population, in seconds.
getAltered() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
Return the statistics about the altered individuals during the evolution process.
getAlterer() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the used Alterer of the GA.
getAlterers() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the used Alterer of the GA.
getBestFitness() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the best population fitness.
getBestPhenotype() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the best Phenotype of the result population.
getBit() - Method in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
Return the value of the BitGene.
getChromosome(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Return the chromosome at the given index.
getChromosome() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Return the first chromosome.
getClock() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the Clock the engine is using for measuring the execution time.
getClock() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the Clock the engine is using for measuring the execution time.
getCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Returns the count of values recorded.
getCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
Returns the count of values recorded.
getCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Returns the count of values recorded.
getCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
Returns the count of values recorded.
getCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Returns the count of values recorded.
getCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
Returns the count of values recorded.
getCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Returns the count of values recorded.
getDurations() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the timing (meta) information of the evolution step.
getEvaluationDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Return the duration needed for evaluating the fitness function of the new individuals.
getEvaluationDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
Return the duration statistics needed for evaluating the fitness function of the new individuals, in seconds.
getEvolveDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Return the duration needed for the whole evolve step.
getEvolveDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
Return the duration statistics needed for the whole evolve step, in seconds.
getExecutor() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the Executor the engine is using for executing the evolution steps.
getExecutor() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the Executor the engine is using for executing the evolution steps.
getFitness() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
Return the minimal and maximal fitness.
getFitness() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Return the fitness value of this Phenotype.
getFitnessFunction() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the fitness function of the GA engine.
getFitnessFunction() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the fitness function of the GA engine.
getFitnessFunction() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Return the fitness function used by this phenotype to calculate the (raw) fitness value.
getFitnessScaler() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the fitness scaler of the GA engine.
getFitnessScaler() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the fitness scaler of the GA engine.
getFitnessScaler() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Return the fitness scaler used by this phenotype to scale the raw fitness.
getGene(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
getGene() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
getGene(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
getGene() - Method in interface org.jenetics.Chromosome
Return the first gene of this chromosome.
getGene(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.Chromosome
Return the gene on the specified index.
getGene() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Return the first Gene of the first Chromosome of this Genotype.
getGeneration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
The current generation.
getGeneration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStart
Return the generation of the start population.
getGeneration() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Return the generation this Phenotype was created.
getGenotype() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
This method returns a copy of the Genotype, to guarantee a immutable class.
getGenotypeFactory() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the used genotype Factory of the GA.
getGenotypeFactory() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the used genotype Factory of the GA.
getGenotypes() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the current list of genotypes of this evolution result.
getIndividualCreationRetries() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the maximal number of attempt before the Engine gives up creating a valid individual (Phenotype).
getInvalidCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the number of invalid individuals.
getInvalids() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
Return the statistics about the invalid individuals during the evolution process.
getKillCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the number of killed individuals.
getKilled() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
Return the statistics about the killed individuals during the evolution process.
getKurtosis() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Return the kurtosis of values recorded, or Double.NaN if less than four values have been recorded.
getKurtosis() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Return the kurtosis of values recorded, or Double.NaN if less than four values have been recorded.
getKurtosis() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Return the kurtosis of values recorded, or Double.NaN if less than four values have been recorded.
getMax() - Method in interface org.jenetics.BoundedChromosome
Return the maximum value of this BoundedChromosome.
getMax() - Method in interface org.jenetics.BoundedGene
Return the allowed max value.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Return the maximum value recorded, or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if no values have been recorded.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMomentStatistics
Return the maximum value recorded, or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if no values have been recorded.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
Return the maximum value recorded, or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if no values have been recorded.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Return the maximum value recorded, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMomentStatistics
Return the maximum value recorded, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
Return the maximum value recorded, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Return the maximum value recorded, or Long.MIN_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
Return the maximum value recorded, or Long.MIN_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
Return the maximum value recorded, or Long.MIN_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Return the current maximal object or null if no element has been accepted yet.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.DoubleRange
Return the maximum value of the double range.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IntRange
Return the maximum value of the integer range.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LongRange
Return the maximum value of the long range.
getMaximalPhenotypeAge() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the maximal allowed phenotype age.
getMaximalPhenotypeAge() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the maximal allowed phenotype age.
getMean() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Return the arithmetic mean of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getMean() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
Return the arithmetic mean of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getMean() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Return the arithmetic mean of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getMean() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
Return the arithmetic mean of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getMean() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Return the arithmetic mean of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getMean() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
Return the arithmetic mean of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getMin() - Method in interface org.jenetics.BoundedChromosome
Return the minimum value of this BoundedChromosome.
getMin() - Method in interface org.jenetics.BoundedGene
Return the allowed min value.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Return the minimum value recorded, or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY if no values have been recorded.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMomentStatistics
Return the minimum value recorded, or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY if no values have been recorded.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
Return the minimum value recorded, or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY if no values have been recorded.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Return the minimum value recorded, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMomentStatistics
Return the minimum value recorded, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
Return the minimum value recorded, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Return the minimum value recorded, or Long.MAX_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
Return the minimum value recorded, or Long.MAX_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
Return the minimum value recorded, or Long.MAX_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Return the current minimal object or null if no element has been accepted yet.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.DoubleRange
Return the minimum value of the double range.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IntRange
Return the minimum value of the integer range.
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LongRange
Return the minimum value of the long range.
getN() - Method in class org.jenetics.MultiPointCrossover
Return the number of crossover points.
getNumberOfGenes() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Return the number of genes this genotype consists of.
getOffspringAlterDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Return the duration needed for altering the offspring population.
getOffspringCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the number of selected offsprings.
getOffspringFilterDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Return the duration needed for removing and replacing invalid offspring individuals.
getOffspringFraction() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the offspring fraction.
getOffspringSelectionDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Return the duration needed for selecting the offspring population.
getOffspringSelector() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the used offspring Selector of the GA.
getOffspringSelector() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the used offspring Selector of the GA.
getOneProbability() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the one probability of this chromosome.
getOptimize() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the optimization strategy.
getOptimize() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the optimization strategy.
getOptimize() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the optimization strategy used.
getOrder() - Method in class org.jenetics.Recombinator
Return the number of individuals involved in the Recombinator.recombine(Population, int[], long) step.
getParam() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
getPhenotypeAge() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
Return the statistics about the individuals age.
getPopulation() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the population after the evolution step.
getPopulation() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStart
Return the population before the evolution step.
getPopulationSize() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the number of individuals of a population.
getPopulationSize() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the number of individuals of a population.
getProbability() - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractAlterer
Return the recombination/alter probability for this alterer.
getQuantile() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
Return the quantile this object has been parametrized with.
getRandom() - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.RandomRegistry
Return the global Random object.
getRawFitness() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Return the raw fitness (before scaling) of the phenotype.
getSamples() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
Return the number of samples the quantile value was calculated of.
getSelectionDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
Return the duration statistics needed for selecting the population, in seconds.
getSkewness() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Return the skewness of values recorded, or Double.NaN if less than two values have been recorded.
getSkewness() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Return the skewness of values recorded, or Double.NaN if less than two values have been recorded.
getSkewness() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Return the skewness of values recorded, or Double.NaN if less than two values have been recorded.
getSum() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Return the sum of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getSum() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMomentStatistics
Return the sum of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getSum() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
Return the sum of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getSum() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Return the sum of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getSum() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMomentStatistics
Return the sum of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getSum() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
Return the sum of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getSum() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Return the sum of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getSum() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
Return the sum of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getSum() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
Return the sum of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
getSurvivorFilterDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Return the duration needed for removing and replacing old and invalid survivor individuals.
getSurvivorsCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
The number of selected survivors.
getSurvivorsSelectionDuration() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Return the duration needed for selecting the survivors population.
getSurvivorsSelector() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Return the used survivor Selector of the GA.
getSurvivorsSelector() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Return the used survivor Selector of the GA.
getSwapProbability() - Method in class org.jenetics.UniformCrossover
Return the probability for swapping genes of a chromosome.
getTotalGenerations() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the generation count evaluated so far.
getValidAlleles() - Method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
Return sequence of the valid alleles where this gene is a part of.
getValidAlleles() - Method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
Return the sequence of valid alleles of this chromosome.
getValidCharacters() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
Return a (unmodifiable) set of valid characters.
getValue() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
Return the computed quantile value.
getVariance() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Return the variance of values recorded, or Double.NaN if no values have been recorded.
getVariance() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Return the variance of values recorded, or Double.NaN if no values have been recorded.
getVariance() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Return the variance of values recorded, or Double.NaN if no values have been recorded.
getWorstFitness() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the worst population fitness.
getWorstPhenotype() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return the worst Phenotype of the result population.
getZone() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock


hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractAlterer
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.BoltzmannSelector
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStart
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.ExponentialRankSelector
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.ExponentialScaler
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.GaussianMutator
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.IntermediateCrossover
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.LinearRankSelector
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.LineCrossover
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.MeanAlterer
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.MonteCarloSelector
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.MultiPointCrossover
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.Mutator
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.PartiallyMatchedCrossover
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.RouletteWheelSelector
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.SinglePointCrossover
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.StochasticUniversalSelector
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.SwapMutator
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.TournamentSelector
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.TruncationSelector
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.DoubleRange
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IntRange
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.Param
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LongRange
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
hashCode() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the hash code value for this sequence.
hashCode(Seq<?>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Unified method for calculating the hash code of every Seq implementation.


indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
indexOf(Object) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this sequence, or -1 if this sequence does not contain the element.
indexOf(Object, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this sequence, or -1 if this sequence does not contain the element.
indexOf(Object, int, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this sequence, or -1 if this sequence does not contain the element.
indexWhere(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the first element on which the given predicate returns true, or -1 if the predicate returns false for every sequence element.
indexWhere(Predicate<? super T>, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the first element on which the given predicate returns true, or -1 if the predicate returns false for every sequence element.
indexWhere(Predicate<? super T>, int, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the first element on which the given predicate returns true, or -1 if the predicate returns false for every sequence element.
individualCreationRetries(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The maximal number of attempt before the Engine gives up creating a valid individual (Phenotype).
initialValue() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadLocal
Create a new PRNG using block splitting for guaranteeing well distributed PRN for every thread.
instances() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Factory
Return a new stream of object instances, created by this factory.
instant() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
IntegerChromosome - Class in org.jenetics
Numeric chromosome implementation which holds 32 bit integer numbers.
IntegerChromosome(ISeq<IntegerGene>) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
Create a new chromosome from the given genes array.
IntegerChromosome(Integer, Integer, int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
Create a new random IntegerChromosome.
IntegerChromosome(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
Create a new random IntegerChromosome of length one.
IntegerGene - Class in org.jenetics
NumericGene implementation which holds a 32 bit integer number.
IntermediateCrossover<G extends NumericGene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
This alterer takes two chromosome (treating it as vectors) and creates a linear combination of this vectors as result.
IntermediateCrossover(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.IntermediateCrossover
Creates a new intermediate-crossover with the given recombination probability and the line-scaling factor p.
IntermediateCrossover(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.IntermediateCrossover
Creates a new intermediate-crossover with the given recombination probability.
IntermediateCrossover() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.IntermediateCrossover
Creates a new intermediate-crossover with default recombination probability (Alterer.DEFAULT_ALTER_PROBABILITY) and a p value of zero, which restricts the recombined chromosomes within the hypercube of the selected chromosomes (vectors).
IntMoments - Class in org.jenetics.stat
Value objects which contains statistical moments.
IntMomentStatistics - Class in org.jenetics.stat
A state object for collecting statistics such as count, min, max, sum, mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis.
IntMomentStatistics() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.stat.IntMomentStatistics
Create an empty moments object.
IntRange - Class in org.jenetics.util
Integer range class.
IntSummary - Class in org.jenetics.stat
Value objects which contains statistical summary information.
intValue() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the long value this BitChromosome represents.
intValue(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the int value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
intValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the int value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
intValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericGene
Returns the value of the specified gene as an int.
invert() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Invert the ones and zeros of this bit chromosome.
IO - Class in org.jenetics.util
Class for object serialization.
IO() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.IO
IO.JAXB - Class in org.jenetics.util
Since the javax.xml.bind is marked as deprecated for removal in Java 9, the JAXB marshalling will be removed as well. Use the org.jenetics.xml module when writing and reading Jenetics data-objects as XML.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
isEmpty() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
Test whether this character set is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns true if this sequence contains no elements.
ISeq<T> - Interface in org.jenetics.util
Immutable, ordered, fixed sized sequence.
isSorted() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Test whether the given array is sorted in ascending order.
isSorted(Comparator<? super T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Test whether the given array is sorted in ascending order.
isValid() - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
isValid() - Method in class org.jenetics.AnyChromosome
isValid() - Method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
isValid() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
isValid() - Method in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
Return always true.
isValid() - Method in interface org.jenetics.BoundedGene
isValid() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
isValid() - Method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
isValid() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Test if this genotype is valid.
isValid() - Method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
Check if this chromosome represents still a valid permutation (or subset) of the given valid alleles.
isValid() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Test whether this phenotype is valid.
isValid() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Verifiable
Check if this object is valid.
isValidCharacter(Character) - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
Test, if the given character is valid.
iterator() - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
iterator() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
iterator() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution iterator with a newly created population.
iterator(Iterable<Genotype<G>>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution iterator with the given initial individuals.
iterator(Iterable<Genotype<G>>, long) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution iterator with the given initial individuals.
iterator(Population<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution iterator with the given initial population.
iterator(Population<G, C>, long) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution iterator with the given initial population.
iterator(EvolutionResult<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution iterator starting with a previously evolved EvolutionResult.
iterator() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
iterator() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
iterator() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq


jaxb - Static variable in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Since the javax.xml.bind is marked as deprecated for removal in Java 9, the JAXB marshalling will be removed as well. Use the org.jenetics.xml module when writing and reading Jenetics data-objects as XML.
jump(long) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
Changes the internal state of the PRNG in such a way that the engine jumps s steps ahead.
jump(long) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe
jump2(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
Changes the internal state of the PRNG in such a way that the engine jumps 2s steps ahead.
jump2(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe


lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in this sequence, or -1 if this sequence does not contain the element.
lastIndexOf(Object, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in this sequence, or -1 if this sequence does not contain the element.
lastIndexOf(Object, int, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in this sequence, or -1 if this sequence does not contain the element.
lastIndexWhere(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the last element on which the given predicate returns true, or -1 if the predicate returns false for every sequence element.
lastIndexWhere(Predicate<? super T>, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the last element on which the given predicate returns true, or -1 if the predicate returns false for every sequence element.
lastIndexWhere(Predicate<? super T>, int, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns the index of the last element on which the given predicate returns true, or -1 if the predicate returns false for every sequence element.
LCG64ShiftRandom - Class in org.jenetics.util
This random class implementation has been moved to a separate module. Use the implementation of the PRNGine project instead.
LCG64ShiftRandom(LCG64ShiftRandom.Param, long) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
Create a new PRNG instance with the given parameter and seed.
LCG64ShiftRandom(LCG64ShiftRandom.Param) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
Create a new PRNG instance with the given parameter and a safe seed
LCG64ShiftRandom(long) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
Create a new PRNG instance with LCG64ShiftRandom.Param.DEFAULT parameter and the given seed.
LCG64ShiftRandom() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
Create a new PRNG instance with LCG64ShiftRandom.Param.DEFAULT parameter and safe seed.
LCG64ShiftRandom.Param - Class in org.jenetics.util
LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadLocal - Class in org.jenetics.util
This random class implementation has been moved to a separate module. Use the implementation of the PRNGine project instead.
LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe - Class in org.jenetics.util
LECUYER1 - Static variable in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.Param
LEcuyer 1 parameters: a = 0x27BB2EE687B0B0FDL; b = 1
LECUYER2 - Static variable in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.Param
LEcuyer 2 parameters: a = 0x2C6FE96EE78B6955L; b = 1
LECUYER3 - Static variable in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.Param
LEcuyer 3 parameters: a = 0x369DEA0F31A53F85L; b = 1
length() - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
length() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
length() - Method in interface org.jenetics.Chromosome
Returns the length of the Chromosome.
length() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Getting the number of chromosomes of this genotype.
length() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
length() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return the length of this sequence.
limit(Predicate<? super EvolutionResult<G, C>>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStream
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, truncated when the given proceed predicate returns false.
limit - Class in org.jenetics.engine
This class contains factory methods for creating predicates, which can be used for limiting the evolution stream.
LinearRankSelector<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
In linear-ranking selection the individuals are sorted according to their fitness values.
LinearRankSelector(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.LinearRankSelector
Create a new LinearRankSelector with the given values for nminus.
LinearRankSelector() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.LinearRankSelector
Create a new LinearRankSelector with nminus := 0.5.
LineCrossover<G extends NumericGene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
This alterer takes two chromosome (treating it as vectors) and creates a linear combination of this vectors as result.
LineCrossover(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.LineCrossover
Creates a new linear-crossover with the given recombination probability and the line-scaling factor p.
LineCrossover(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.LineCrossover
Creates a new linear-crossover with the given recombination probability.
LineCrossover() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.LineCrossover
Creates a new linear-crossover with default recombination probability (Alterer.DEFAULT_ALTER_PROBABILITY) and a p value of zero, which restricts the recombined chromosomes within the hypercube of the selected chromosomes (vectors).
listIterator() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
listIterator() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
listIterator() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this sequence (in proper sequence).
listIterator() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
LongChromosome - Class in org.jenetics
Numeric chromosome implementation which holds 64 bit integer numbers.
LongChromosome(ISeq<LongGene>) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
LongChromosome(Long, Long, int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
Create a new random LongChromosome.
LongChromosome(Long, Long) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
Create a new random LongChromosome of length one.
LongGene - Class in org.jenetics
NumericGene implementation which holds a 64 bit integer number.
LongMoments - Class in org.jenetics.stat
Value objects which contains statistical moments.
LongMomentStatistics - Class in org.jenetics.stat
A state object for collecting statistics such as count, min, max, sum, mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis.
LongMomentStatistics() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
Create an empty moments object.
LongRange - Class in org.jenetics.util
Long range class.
LongSummary - Class in org.jenetics.stat
Value objects which contains statistical summary information.
longValue() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the long value this BitChromosome represents.
longValue(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the long value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
longValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the long value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
longValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericGene
Returns the value of the specified gene as an long.


map(Function<? super T, ? extends B>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
map(Function<? super T, ? extends B>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
map(Function<? super T, ? extends B>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Builds a new sequence by applying a function to all elements of this sequence.
max(Comparator<? super T>, T, T) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Return the maximum of two values, according the given comparator.
maximalPhenotypeAge(long) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The maximal allowed age of a phenotype.
maximizing() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Set to a fitness maximizing strategy.
mean(DoubleGene) - Method in class org.jenetics.DoubleGene
mean(IntegerGene) - Method in class org.jenetics.IntegerGene
mean(LongGene) - Method in class org.jenetics.LongGene
Mean<T> - Interface in org.jenetics.util
A mixin interface for genes which can have a mean value.
mean(T) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Mean
Return the (usually arithmetic) mean value of this and that.
MeanAlterer<G extends Gene<?,G> & Mean<G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
The order (Recombinator.getOrder()) of this Recombination implementation is two.
MeanAlterer(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.MeanAlterer
Constructs an alterer with a given recombination probability.
MeanAlterer() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.MeanAlterer
Create a new alterer with alter probability of 0.05.
millis() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
min(Comparator<? super T>, T, T) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Return the minimum of two values, according the given comparator.
minimizing() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
Set to a fitness minimizing strategy.
MinMax<C> - Class in org.jenetics.stat
This consumer class is used for calculating the min and max value according to the given Comparator.
MonteCarloSelector<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
The Monte Carlo selector selects the individuals from a given population randomly.
MonteCarloSelector() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.MonteCarloSelector
MSeq<T> - Interface in org.jenetics.util
Mutable, ordered, fixed sized sequence.
MultiPointCrossover<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
Multiple point crossover
MultiPointCrossover(double, int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.MultiPointCrossover
Create a new crossover instance.
MultiPointCrossover(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.MultiPointCrossover
Create a new crossover instance with two crossover points.
MultiPointCrossover(int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.MultiPointCrossover
Create a new crossover instance with default crossover probability of 0.05.
MultiPointCrossover() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.MultiPointCrossover
Create a new crossover instance with two crossover points and crossover probability 0.05.
mutate(MSeq<G>, double) - Method in class org.jenetics.GaussianMutator
mutate(MSeq<Chromosome<G>>, int, double) - Method in class org.jenetics.Mutator
mutate(MSeq<G>, double) - Method in class org.jenetics.Mutator
Template method which gives an (re)implementation of the mutation class the possibility to perform its own mutation operation, based on a writable gene array and the gene mutation probability p.
mutate(MSeq<G>, double) - Method in class org.jenetics.SwapMutator
Swaps the genes in the given array, with the mutation probability of this mutation.
Mutator<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
This class is for mutating a chromosomes of an given population.
Mutator(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.Mutator
Construct a Mutation object which a given mutation probability.
Mutator() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.Mutator
Default constructor, with probability = 0.01.


NanoClock - Class in org.jenetics.util
Clock implementation with nano second precision.
nanos() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
This returns the nanosecond-based instant, measured from 1970-01-01T00:00Z (UTC).
NANOS_PER_SECOND - Static variable in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
This constants holds the number of nano seconds of one second.
newInstance(ISeq<AnyGene<A>>) - Method in class org.jenetics.AnyChromosome
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.AnyChromosome
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
newInstance(A) - Method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
newInstance(ISeq<BitGene>) - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
newInstance() - Method in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
Create a new, random gene.
newInstance(Boolean) - Method in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
Create a new gene from the given value..
newInstance(A) - Method in interface org.jenetics.BoundedGene
Create a new gene from the given value and the current bounds.
newInstance(ISeq<CharacterGene>) - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
Create a new, random chromosome.
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
newInstance(Character) - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
Create a new character gene from the given character.
newInstance(ISeq<G>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.Chromosome
A factory method which creates a new Chromosome of specific type and the given genes.
newInstance(ISeq<DoubleGene>) - Method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
newInstance(Number) - Method in class org.jenetics.DoubleGene
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.DoubleGene
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
newInstance(A) - Method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
Create a new gene from the given value and the gene context.
newInstance() - Method in interface org.jenetics.Gene
Return a new, random gene with the same type and with the same constraints than this gene.
newInstance(A) - Method in interface org.jenetics.Gene
Create a new gene from the given value and the gene context.
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Return a new, random genotype by creating new, random chromosomes (calling the Factory.newInstance() method) from the chromosomes of this genotype.
newInstance(ISeq<IntegerGene>) - Method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
newInstance(Number) - Method in class org.jenetics.IntegerGene
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.IntegerGene
newInstance(ISeq<LongGene>) - Method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
newInstance(Number) - Method in class org.jenetics.LongGene
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.LongGene
newInstance(Number) - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericGene
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
Create a new, random chromosome.
newInstance(ISeq<EnumGene<T>>) - Method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
newInstance(Genotype<G>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Create a new Phenotype with a different Genotype but the same generation, fitness function and fitness scaler.
newInstance(Genotype<G>, long) - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Factory method for creating a new Phenotype with the same Function and age as this Phenotype.
newInstance(long, Function<? super Genotype<G>, ? extends C>, Function<? super C, ? extends C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Return a new phenotype with the the genotype of this and with new fitness function, fitness scaler and generation.
newInstance(long, Function<? super Genotype<G>, ? extends C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Return a new phenotype with the the genotype of this and with new fitness function and generation.
newInstance() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Factory
Create a new instance of type T.
next(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.Random64
nextBoolean() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.Random64
nextBytes(byte[]) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.Random64
Optimized version of the Random.nextBytes(byte[]) method for 64-bit random engines.
nextDouble() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.Random64
Optimized version of the Random.nextDouble() method for 64-bit random engines.
nextFloat() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.Random64
nextInt() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.Random64
nextLong() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
nextLong() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe
nextLong() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.Random64
Force to explicitly override the Random.nextLong() method.
NumericChromosome<N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>,G extends NumericGene<N,G>> - Interface in org.jenetics
Numeric chromosome interface.
NumericGene<N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>,G extends NumericGene<N,G>> - Interface in org.jenetics
Base interface for numeric genes.


object - Static variable in class org.jenetics.util.IO
IO implementation for "native" Java serialization.
of(Alterer<G, C>...) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.Alterer
Combine the given alterers.
of(Supplier<? extends A>, Predicate<? super A>, Predicate<? super ISeq<? super A>>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.AnyChromosome
Create a new chromosome of type A with the given parameters.
of(Supplier<? extends A>, Predicate<? super A>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.AnyChromosome
Create a new chromosome of type A with the given parameters.
of(Supplier<? extends A>, Predicate<? super A>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.AnyChromosome
Create a new chromosome of type A with the given parameters and length one.
of(Supplier<? extends A>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.AnyChromosome
Create a new chromosome of type A with the given parameters.
of(Supplier<? extends A>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.AnyChromosome
Create a new chromosome of type A with the given parameters and length one.
of(A, Supplier<? extends A>, Predicate<? super A>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
Create a new AnyGene instance with the given parameters.
of(A, Supplier<? extends A>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
Create a new AnyGene instance with the given parameters.
of(Supplier<? extends A>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
Create a new AnyGene instance with the given allele supplier.
of(Supplier<? extends A>, Predicate<? super A>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
Create a new AnyGene instance with the given parameters.
of(int, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Construct a new BitChromosome with the given _length.
of(int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Constructing a new BitChromosome with the given _length.
of(BitSet, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Create a new BitChromosome with the given parameters.
of(BitSet, int, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Create a new BitChromosome with the given parameters.
of(BitSet) - Static method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Constructing a new BitChromosome from a given BitSet.
of(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Create a new BitChromosome from the given big integer value.
of(BigInteger, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Create a new BitChromosome from the given big integer value and ones probability.
of(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Create a new BitChromosome from the given character sequence containing '0' and '1'; as created with the BitChromosome.toCanonicalString() method.
of(CharSequence, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Create a new BitChromosome from the given character sequence containing '0' and '1'; as created with the BitChromosome.toCanonicalString() method.
of(CharSequence, int, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Create a new BitChromosome from the given character sequence containing '0' and '1'; as created with the BitChromosome.toCanonicalString() method.
of(boolean) - Static method in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
Return the corresponding BitGene for the given boolean value.
of(int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
Create a new chromosome with the CharacterGene.DEFAULT_CHARACTERS char set as valid characters.
of(String, CharSeq) - Static method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
Create a new chromosome from the given genes (given as string).
of(String) - Static method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
Create a new chromosome from the given genes (given as string).
of(CharSeq) - Static method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
Create a new CharacterGene with a randomly chosen character from the set of valid characters.
of(Character) - Static method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
Create a new character gene from the given character.
of() - Static method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
Create a new random character gene, chosen from the CharacterGene.DEFAULT_CHARACTERS.
of(char, CharSeq) - Static method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
Create a new CharacterGene from the give character.
of(DoubleGene...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
Create a new DoubleChromosome with the given genes.
of(double, double, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
Create a new random DoubleChromosome.
of(DoubleRange, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
Create a new random DoubleChromosome.
of(double, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
Create a new random DoubleChromosome of length one.
of(DoubleRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
Create a new random DoubleChromosome of length one.
of(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.DoubleGene
Create a new random DoubleGene with the given value and the given range.
of(double, DoubleRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.DoubleGene
Create a new random DoubleGene with the given value and the given range.
of(double, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.DoubleGene
Create a new random DoubleGene.
of(DoubleRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.DoubleGene
Create a new random DoubleGene.
of(Factory<Genotype<G>>, Function<Genotype<G>, T>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.engine.Codec
Create a new Codec object with the given encoding and decoder function.
of(Codec<A, G>, Codec<B, G>, BiFunction<A, B, T>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.engine.Codec
Converts two given Codec instances into one.
of(ISeq<? extends Codec<?, G>>, Function<? super Object[], ? extends T>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.engine.Codec
Combines the given codecs into one codec.
of(Duration, Duration, Duration, Duration, Duration, Duration, Duration) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Return an new EvolutionDurations object with the given values.
of(Optimize, Population<G, C>, long, long, EvolutionDurations, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return an new EvolutionResult object with the given values.
of(Optimize, Population<G, C>, long, EvolutionDurations, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return an new EvolutionResult object with the given values.
of(Population<G, C>, long) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStart
Create a new evolution start object with the given population and for the given generation.
of(Supplier<EvolutionStart<G, C>>, Function<? super EvolutionStart<G, C>, EvolutionResult<G, C>>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStream
Create a new EvolutionStream from the given start population and evolution function.
of(Function<T, C>, Codec<T, G>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.engine.Problem
Return a new optimization problem with the given parameters.
of(int, ISeq<? extends A>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
Create a new enum gene from the given valid genes and the chosen allele index.
of(ISeq<? extends A>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
Return a new enum gene with an allele randomly chosen from the given valid alleles.
of(int, A...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
Create a new enum gene from the given valid genes and the chosen allele index.
of(A...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
Return a new enum gene with an allele randomly chosen from the given valid alleles.
of(Chromosome<G>, Chromosome<G>...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Create a new Genotype from a given array of Chromosomes.
of(Factory<? extends Chromosome<G>>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Create a new Genotype which consists of n chromosomes, which are created by the given factory.
of(Iterable<? extends Chromosome<G>>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Create a new Genotype from a given array of chromosomes.
of(IntegerGene...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
Create a new IntegerChromosome with the given genes.
of(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
Create a new random IntegerChromosome.
of(IntRange, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
Create a new random IntegerChromosome.
of(int, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
Create a new random IntegerChromosome of length one.
of(IntRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
Create a new random IntegerChromosome of length one.
of(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.IntegerGene
Create a new random IntegerGene with the given value and the given range.
of(int, IntRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.IntegerGene
Create a new random IntegerGene with the given value and the given range.
of(int, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.IntegerGene
Create a new random IntegerGene.
of(IntRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.IntegerGene
Create a new random IntegerGene.
of(LongGene...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
Create a new LongChromosome with the given genes.
of(long, long, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
Create a new random LongChromosome.
of(LongRange, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
Create a new random LongChromosome.
of(long, long) - Static method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
Create a new random LongChromosome of length one.
of(LongRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
Create a new random LongChromosome of length one.
of(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.jenetics.LongGene
Create a new random LongGene with the given value and the given range.
of(long, LongRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.LongGene
Create a new random LongGene with the given value and the given range.
of(long, long) - Static method in class org.jenetics.LongGene
Create a new random LongGene.
of(LongRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.LongGene
Create a new random LongGene.
of(ISeq<? extends T>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
Create a new, random chromosome with the given valid alleles and the desired length.
of(ISeq<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
Create a new, random chromosome with the given valid alleles.
of(T...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
Create a new, random chromosome with the given valid alleles.
of(Genotype<G>, long, Function<? super Genotype<G>, C>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
The Genotype is copied to guarantee an immutable class.
of(Genotype<G>, long, Function<? super Genotype<G>, ? extends C>, Function<? super C, ? extends C>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
Create a new phenotype from the given arguments.
of(long, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Create an immutable object which contains statistical values.
of(DoubleMomentStatistics) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Return a new value object of the statistical moments, currently represented by the statistics object.
of(long, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
Create an immutable object which contains statistical summary values.
of(DoubleSummaryStatistics) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
Return a new value object of the statistical summary, currently represented by the statistics object.
of(long, int, int, long, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Create an immutable object which contains statistical values.
of(IntMomentStatistics) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Return a new value object of the statistical moments, currently represented by the statistics object.
of(long, int, int, long, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
Create an immutable object which contains statistical summary values.
of(IntSummaryStatistics) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
Return a new value object of the statistical summary, currently represented by the statistics object.
of(long, long, long, long, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Create an immutable object which contains statistical values.
of(LongMomentStatistics) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Return a new value object of the statistical moments, currently represented by the statistics object.
of(long, long, long, long, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
Create an immutable object which contains statistical summary values.
of(LongSummaryStatistics) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
Return a new value object of the statistical summary, currently represented by the statistics object.
of(Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Create a new MinMax consumer with the given Comparator.
of() - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Create a new MinMax consumer.
of(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
Expands the character range for the given pattern.
of(char, char) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
Expands the characters between a and b.
of(double, double) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.DoubleRange
Create a new DoubleRange object with the given min and max values.
of(int, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.IntRange
Create a new IntRange object with the given min and max values.
of(T...) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
Create a new ISeq from the given values.
of(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
Create a new ISeq from the given values.
of(Supplier<? extends T>, int) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
Creates a new sequence, which is filled with objects created be the given supplier.
of(long, long) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.Param
of(long, long) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.LongRange
Create a new LongRange object with the given min and max values.
of(T...) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Create a new MSeq from the given values.
of(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Create a new MSeq from the given values.
of(Supplier<? extends T>, int) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Creates a new sequence, which is filled with objects created be the given supplier.
of(Seq<T>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Create a new MSeq from the values of the given Seq.
of(LongSupplier) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.Random64
Create a new Random64 instance, where the random numbers are generated by the given long supplier.
of(T...) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Create a new Seq from the given values.
of(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Create a new Seq from the given values.
of(Supplier<? extends T>, int) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Creates a new sequence, which is filled with objects created be the given supplier.
ofComparable() - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
offspringFraction(double) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The offspring fraction.
offspringSelector(Selector<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The selector used for selecting the offspring population.
offspringSize(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The number of offspring individuals.
ofInteger(int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
Create a integer permutation chromosome with the given length.
ofInteger(int, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
Create an integer permutation chromosome with the given range.
ofInteger(IntRange, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
Create an integer permutation chromosome with the given range and length
ofLength(int) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Create a new MSeq with the given length.
ofNumber() - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
ofPermutation(int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Create a permutation Codec of integer in the range [0, length).
ofPermutation(T...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
ofPermutation(ISeq<T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Create a permutation Codec with the given alleles.
ofScalar(IntRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a scalar Codec for the given range.
ofScalar(LongRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a scalar Codec for the given range.
ofScalar(DoubleRange) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a scalar Codec for the given range.
ofScalar(Supplier<? extends A>, Predicate<? super A>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a scala Codec with the given allele Supplier and allele validator.
ofScalar(Supplier<? extends A>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a scala Codec with the given allele Supplier and allele validator.
ofSubSet(ISeq<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
The subset Codec can be used for problems where it is required to find the best variable-sized subset from given basic set.
ofSubSet(ISeq<? extends T>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
The subset Codec can be used for problems where it is required to find the best fixed-size subset from given basic set.
ofVector(IntRange, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a vector Codec for the given range.
ofVector(LongRange, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a vector Codec for the given range.
ofVector(DoubleRange, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a vector Codec for the given range.
ofVector(IntRange...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Create a vector Codec for the given ranges.
ofVector(LongRange...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Create a vector Codec for the given ranges.
ofVector(DoubleRange...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Create a vector Codec for the given ranges.
ofVector(Supplier<? extends A>, IntFunction<A[]>, Predicate<? super A>, Predicate<? super ISeq<? super A>>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
ofVector(Supplier<? extends A>, Predicate<? super A>, Predicate<? super ISeq<? super A>>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a scala Codec with the given allele Supplier, allele validator and Chromosome length.
ofVector(Supplier<? extends A>, IntFunction<A[]>, Predicate<? super A>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
ofVector(Supplier<? extends A>, Predicate<? super A>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a scala Codec with the given allele Supplier, allele validator and Chromosome length.
ofVector(Supplier<? extends A>, IntFunction<A[]>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
ofVector(Supplier<? extends A>, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.codecs
Return a scala Codec with the given allele Supplier and Chromosome length.
ONE - Static variable in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
ones() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the indexes of the ones of this bit-chromosome as stream.
optimize(Optimize) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The optimization strategy used by the engine.
Optimize - Enum in org.jenetics
This enum determines whether the GA should maximize or minimize the fitness function.
org.jenetics - package org.jenetics
This is the base package of the Jenetics library and contains all domain classes, like Gene, Chromosome or Genotype.
org.jenetics.engine - package org.jenetics.engine
This package contains classes which performs the actual evolution.
org.jenetics.stat - package org.jenetics.stat
This package contains additional statistics classes which are not available in the Java core library.
org.jenetics.util - package org.jenetics.util
This package contains the collection classes (Seq, ISeq and MSeq) which are used in the public interfaces of the Chromosome and Genotype.


parallelStream() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns a possibly parallel Stream with this sequence as its source.
PartiallyMatchedCrossover<T,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
The PartiallyMatchedCrossover (PMX) guarantees that all Genes are found exactly once in each chromosome.
PartiallyMatchedCrossover(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.PartiallyMatchedCrossover
PermutationChromosome<T> - Class in org.jenetics
This chromosome can be used to model permutations of a given (sub) set of alleles.
PermutationChromosome(ISeq<EnumGene<T>>) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
Create a new PermutationChromosome from the given genes.
Phenotype<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
The Phenotype consists of a Genotype plus a fitness Function, where the fitness Function represents the environment where the Genotype lives.
phenotypeValidator(Predicate<? super Phenotype<G, C>>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The phenotype validator used for detecting invalid individuals.
plus(EvolutionDurations) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration added.
Population<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
A population is a collection of Phenotypes.
Population(Collection<Phenotype<G, C>>) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.Population
Constructs a population containing the elements of the specified collection, in the order they are returned by the collection's iterator.
Population(int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.Population
Creating a new Population with the pre-allocated population size.
Population() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.Population
Creating a new Population.
populationSize(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The number of individuals which form the population.
populationSort() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
Sorting the phenotypes in this population according to its fitness value in descending order.
prepend(T...) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
prepend(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
prepend(T...) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
prepend(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
prepend(T...) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return a new Seq with the given values prepended.
prepend(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return a new Seq with the given values prepended.
probabilities(Population<G, N>, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.BoltzmannSelector
probabilities(Population<G, C>, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.ExponentialRankSelector
This method sorts the population in descending order while calculating the selection probabilities.
probabilities(Population<G, C>, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.LinearRankSelector
This method sorts the population in descending order while calculating the selection probabilities.
probabilities(Population<G, C>, int, Optimize) - Method in class org.jenetics.ProbabilitySelector
This method takes the probabilities from the ProbabilitySelector.probabilities(Population, int) method and inverts it if needed.
probabilities(Population<G, C>, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.ProbabilitySelector
Return an Probability array, which corresponds to the given Population.
probabilities(Population<G, N>, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.RouletteWheelSelector
ProbabilitySelector<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
Probability selectors are a variation of fitness proportional selectors and selects individuals from a given population based on it's selection probability P(i).
ProbabilitySelector(boolean) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ProbabilitySelector
Create a new ProbabilitySelector with the given sorting flag.
ProbabilitySelector() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ProbabilitySelector
Create a new selector with sorted = false.
Problem<T,G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Interface in org.jenetics.engine
This interface describes a problem which can be solved by the GA evolution Engine.


Quantile - Class in org.jenetics.stat
Implementation of the quantile estimation algorithm published by
Quantile(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
Create a new quantile accumulator with the given value.


Random64 - Class in org.jenetics.util
This random class implementation has been moved to a separate module. Use the implementation of the PRNGine instead.
Random64(long) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.Random64
Random64() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.Random64
RandomRegistry - Class in org.jenetics.util
This class holds the Random engine used for the GA.
read(Class<T>, String) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Reads an object from the given file.
read(String) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Reads an object from the given file.
read(Class<T>, Path) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Reads an object from the given file.
read(Path) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Reads an object from the given file.
read(Class<T>, File) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Reads an object from the given file.
read(File) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Reads an object from the given file.
read(Class<T>, InputStream) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Reads an object from the given input stream.
read(InputStream) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Reads an object from the given input stream.
Recombinator<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
An enhanced genetic algorithm (EGA) combine elements of existing solutions in order to create a new solution, with some of the properties of each parent.
Recombinator(double, int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.Recombinator
Constructs an alterer with a given recombination probability.
recombine(Population<G, C>, int[], long) - Method in class org.jenetics.Crossover
recombine(Population<G, C>, int[], long) - Method in class org.jenetics.MeanAlterer
recombine(Population<G, C>, int[], long) - Method in class org.jenetics.Recombinator
Recombination template method.
register(Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.IO.JAXB
Registers the given JAXB model classes.
remove(Phenotype<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
remove(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
remove(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
reset() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
Reset this object to its initial state.
reset() - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.RandomRegistry
Set the random object to it's default value.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
reverse() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
Reverse the order of the population.
reverse() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Reverses the order of the elements this sequence (in place).
RouletteWheelSelector<G extends Gene<?,G>,N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>> - Class in org.jenetics
The roulette-wheel selector is also known as fitness proportional selector, but in the Jenetics library it is implemented as probability selector.
RouletteWheelSelector() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.RouletteWheelSelector
RouletteWheelSelector(boolean) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.RouletteWheelSelector
run() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
This method simply calls the Phenotype.evaluate() method.


sameState(DoubleMomentStatistics) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMomentStatistics
Compares the state of two DoubleMomentStatistics objects.
sameState(IntMomentStatistics) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMomentStatistics
Compares the state of two IntMomentStatistics objects.
sameState(LongMomentStatistics) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
Compares the state of two LongMomentStatistics objects.
sameState(MinMax<C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Compares the state of two LongMomentStatistics objects.
sameState(Quantile) - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
Compares the state of two Quantile objects.
select(Population<G, C>, int, Optimize) - Method in class org.jenetics.MonteCarloSelector
select(Population<G, C>, int, Optimize) - Method in class org.jenetics.ProbabilitySelector
select(Population<G, C>, int, Optimize) - Method in interface org.jenetics.Selector
Select phenotypes from the Population.
select(Population<G, N>, int, Optimize) - Method in class org.jenetics.StochasticUniversalSelector
This method sorts the population in descending order while calculating the selection probabilities.
select(Population<G, C>, int, Optimize) - Method in class org.jenetics.TournamentSelector
select(Population<G, C>, int, Optimize) - Method in class org.jenetics.TruncationSelector
This method sorts the population in descending order while calculating the selection probabilities.
selector(Selector<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The selector used for selecting the survivors and offspring population.
Selector<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Interface in org.jenetics
Selectors are responsible for selecting a given number of individuals from the population.
Seq<T> - Interface in org.jenetics.util
General interface for a ordered, fixed sized, object sequence.
set(int, Phenotype<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
set(int, T) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Set the value at the given index.
setAll(Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Fills the sequence with values of the given iterator.
setAll(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Fills the sequence with values of the given iterable.
setAll(T[]) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Fill the sequence with the given values.
setRandom(Random) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.RandomRegistry
Set the new global Random object for the GA.
setRandom(ThreadLocal<? extends Random>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.RandomRegistry
Set the new global Random object for the GA.
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe
shortValue(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the short value of this NumericChromosome at the given index.
shortValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericChromosome
Return the short value of this NumericChromosome at the index 0.
shortValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.NumericGene
Returns the value of the specified gene as an short.
shuffle() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Randomize the array using the Random object currently registered in the RandomRegistry class.
shuffle(Random) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Randomize the array using the given Random object.
SinglePointCrossover<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
Single point crossover
SinglePointCrossover(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.SinglePointCrossover
Constructs an alterer with a given recombination probability.
SinglePointCrossover() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.SinglePointCrossover
Create a new single point crossover object with crossover probability of 0.05.
size() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
size() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IntRange
Return the size of the IntRange: max - min.
size() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
sort(int, int, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Sorts this sequence according to the order induced by the specified Comparator.
sort(int, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Sorts this sequence according to the natural order of the elements.
sort(int, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Sorts this sequence according to the order induced by the specified Comparator.
sort(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Sorts this sequence according to the natural order of the elements.
sort(Comparator<? super T>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Sorts this sequence according to the order induced by the specified Comparator.
sort() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Sorts this sequence according to the natural order of the elements.
sortWith(Comparator<? super C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
Sort this population according the order defined by the given comparator.
split(int, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
Changes the internal state of the PRNG in a way that future calls to LCG64ShiftRandom.nextLong() will generated the sth sub-stream of pth sub-streams.
split(int, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe
spliterator() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
SQR_SCALER - Static variable in class org.jenetics.ExponentialScaler
SQRT_SCALER - Static variable in class org.jenetics.ExponentialScaler
StochasticUniversalSelector<G extends Gene<?,G>,N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>> - Class in org.jenetics
StochasticUniversalSelector is a method for selecting a population according to some given probability in a way that minimize chance fluctuations.
StochasticUniversalSelector() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.StochasticUniversalSelector
stream() - Method in interface org.jenetics.Chromosome
Returns a sequential Stream of genes with this chromosome as its source.
stream() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution stream with a newly created population.
stream(Iterable<Genotype<G>>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution stream with the given initial individuals.
stream(Iterable<Genotype<G>>, long) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution stream with the given initial individuals.
stream(Population<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution stream with the given initial population.
stream(Population<G, C>, long) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new infinite evolution stream with the given initial population.
stream(EvolutionResult<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine
Create a new EvolutionStream starting with a previously evolved EvolutionResult.
stream() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
Returns a sequential Stream of chromosomes with this genotype as its source.
stream() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
stream() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IntRange
Returns a sequential ordered IntStream from IntRange.getMin() (inclusive) to IntRange.getMax() (exclusive) by an incremental step of 1.
stream() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LongRange
Returns a sequential ordered LongStream from LongRange.getMin() (inclusive) to LongRange.getMax() (exclusive) by an incremental step of 1.
stream() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns a sequential Stream with this sequence as its source.
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
subSeq(int, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
subSeq(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
subSeq(int, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
subSeq(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
subSeq(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns a view of the portion of this sequence between the specified start, inclusive, and end, exclusive.
subSeq(int, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns a view of the portion of this sequence between the specified start, inclusive, and end, exclusive.
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
survivorsFraction(double) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The survivors fraction.
survivorsSelector(Selector<G, C>) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The selector used for selecting the survivors population.
survivorsSize(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.Engine.Builder
The number of survivors.
swap(int, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Swap the elements at the two positions.
swap(int, int, MSeq<T>, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Swap a given range with a range of the same size with another array.
SwapMutator<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
The SwapMutation changes the order of genes in a chromosome, with the hope of bringing related genes closer together, thereby facilitating the production of building blocks.
SwapMutator(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.SwapMutator
Constructs an alterer with a given recombination probability.
SwapMutator() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.SwapMutator
Default constructor, with default mutation probability (Alterer.DEFAULT_ALTER_PROBABILITY).
system(ZoneId) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
This clock is based on the nano system clock.
systemDefaultZone() - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
This clock is based on the nano system clock.
systemUTC() - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
This clock is based on the nano system clock.


ThreadLocal() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadLocal
Create a new thread local instance of the LCG64ShiftRandom PRNG with the DEFAULT parameters.
ThreadLocal(LCG64ShiftRandom.Param) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadLocal
Create a new thread local instance of the LCG64ShiftRandom PRNG with the given parameters.
ThreadSafe(long, LCG64ShiftRandom.Param) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe
Use LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe(Param, long) instead.
ThreadSafe(LCG64ShiftRandom.Param, long) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe
Create a new PRNG instance with the given parameter and seed.
ThreadSafe(long) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe
Create a new PRNG instance with LCG64ShiftRandom.Param.DEFAULT parameter and the given seed.
ThreadSafe(LCG64ShiftRandom.Param) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe
Create a new PRNG instance with the given parameter and a safe default seed.
ThreadSafe() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.ThreadSafe
Create a new PRNG instance with LCG64ShiftRandom.Param.DEFAULT parameter and a safe seed.
toArray(char[]) - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
Returns an char array containing all of the elements in this chromosome in proper sequence.
toArray() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
Returns an char array containing all of the elements in this chromosome in proper sequence.
toArray(double[]) - Method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
Returns an double array containing all of the elements in this chromosome in proper sequence.
toArray() - Method in class org.jenetics.DoubleChromosome
Returns an double array containing all of the elements in this chromosome in proper sequence.
toArray(int[]) - Method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
Returns an int array containing all of the elements in this chromosome in proper sequence.
toArray() - Method in class org.jenetics.IntegerChromosome
Returns an int array containing all of the elements in this chromosome in proper sequence.
toArray(long[]) - Method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
Returns an long array containing all of the elements in this chromosome in proper sequence.
toArray() - Method in class org.jenetics.LongChromosome
Returns an long array containing all of the elements in this chromosome in proper sequence.
toArray() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
toArray(A[]) - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
toArray() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return an array containing all of the elements in this sequence in right order.
toArray(B[]) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Return an array containing all of the elements in this sequence in right order; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
toBestEvolutionResult() - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return a collector which collects the best result of an evolution stream.
toBestGenotype() - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return a collector which collects the best genotype of an evolution stream.
toBestPhenotype() - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return a collector which collects the best phenotype of an evolution stream.
toBestResult(Function<Genotype<G>, T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return a collector which collects the best result (in the native problem space).
toBestResult(Codec<T, G>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionResult
Return a collector which collects the best result (in the native problem space).
toBigInteger() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the BigInteger value this BitChromosome represents.
toBitSet() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the corresponding BitSet of this BitChromosome.
toByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Returns the two's-complement binary representation of this large integer.
toByteArray() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
toCanonicalString() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the BitChromosome as String.
toCharSeq() - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
toDoubleMoments(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
Return a Collector which applies an double-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns moments-statistics for the resulting values.
toDoubleMoments() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMomentStatistics
Return a DoubleMoments object from the current statistics,
toDoubleMomentStatistics(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMomentStatistics
Return a Collector which applies an double-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns moments-statistics for the resulting values.
toDoubleSummary(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
Return a Collector which applies an double-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary-statistics for the resulting values.
toIntMoments(ToIntFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
Return a Collector which applies an int-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns moments-statistics for the resulting values.
toIntMoments() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMomentStatistics
Return an IntMoments object from the current statistics,
toIntMomentStatistics(ToIntFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMomentStatistics
Return a Collector which applies an int-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns moments-statistics for the resulting values.
toIntSummary(ToIntFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
Return a Collector which applies an int-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary-statistics for the resulting values.
toISeq(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
Helper method for creating a sequence of characters from the given CharSequence.
toISeq() - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new ISeq.
toISeq() - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Return a read-only projection of this sequence.
toLongMoments(ToLongFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
Return a Collector which applies an long-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns moments-statistics for the resulting values.
toLongMoments() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
Return a LongMoments object from the current statistics,
toLongMomentStatistics(ToLongFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
Return a Collector which applies an long-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns moments-statistics for the resulting values.
toLongSummary(ToLongFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
Return a Collector which applies an long-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary-statistics for the resulting values.
toMedian(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
Return a Collector which applies an double-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns the median for the resulting values.
toMinMax(Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Return a Collector which calculates the minimum and maximum value.
toMinMax() - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
Return a Collector which calculates the minimum and maximum value.
toMSeq() - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.MSeq
Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new MSeq.
toPopulation() - Static method in class org.jenetics.Population
Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new Population.
toQuantile(double, ToDoubleFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
Return a Collector which applies an double-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns quantiles for the resulting values.
toSeq() - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
toSeq() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
toSeq() - Method in interface org.jenetics.Chromosome
Return an unmodifiable sequence of the genes of this chromosome.
toSeq() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
toSeq() - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new Seq.
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.AnyGene
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
toString() - Method in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.BoltzmannSelector
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterChromosome
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.CharacterGene
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStart
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStatistics
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.EnumGene
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.ExponentialRankSelector
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.ExponentialScaler
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.GaussianMutator
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.Genotype
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.IntermediateCrossover
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.LinearRankSelector
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.LineCrossover
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.MeanAlterer
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.MonteCarloSelector
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.MultiPointCrossover
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.Mutator
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.PartiallyMatchedCrossover
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.PermutationChromosome
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.Phenotype
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.Population
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.RouletteWheelSelector
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.SinglePointCrossover
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMoments
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleMomentStatistics
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.DoubleSummary
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMoments
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntMomentStatistics
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.IntSummary
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMoments
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongMomentStatistics
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.LongSummary
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.MinMax
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.stat.Quantile
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.StochasticUniversalSelector
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.SwapMutator
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.TournamentSelector
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.TruncationSelector
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.CharSeq
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.DoubleRange
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IntRange
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom.Param
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LCG64ShiftRandom
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.LongRange
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
toString(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Create a string representation of the given sequence.
toString(String) - Method in interface org.jenetics.util.Seq
Create a string representation of the given sequence.
TournamentSelector<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
In tournament selection the best individual from a random sample of s individuals is chosen from the population Pg.
TournamentSelector(int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.TournamentSelector
Create a tournament selector with the give sample size.
TournamentSelector() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.TournamentSelector
Create a tournament selector with sample size two.
TruncationSelector<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
In truncation selection individuals are sorted according to their fitness.
TruncationSelector(int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.TruncationSelector
Create a new TruncationSelector object, where the worst selected individual has rank n.
TruncationSelector() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.TruncationSelector
Create a new TruncationSelector object.


UniformCrossover<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics
The uniform crossover uses swaps single genes between two chromosomes, instead of whole ranges as in single- and multi-point crossover.
UniformCrossover(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.UniformCrossover
Create a new universal crossover instance.
UniformCrossover(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.UniformCrossover
Create a new universal crossover instance.
UniformCrossover() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.UniformCrossover
Create a new universal crossover instance.
upcast(ISeq<B>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.util.ISeq
Allows a safe (without compile warning) upcast from B to A.
using(R, Consumer<? super R>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.RandomRegistry
Executes the consumer code using the given random engine.
using(ThreadLocal<R>, Consumer<? super R>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.RandomRegistry
Executes the consumer code using the given random engine.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jenetics.Optimize
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jenetics.Optimize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Verifiable - Interface in org.jenetics.util


with(R, Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.RandomRegistry
Opens a new Scope with the given random engine and executes the given function within it.
with(ThreadLocal<R>, Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.util.RandomRegistry
Opens a new Scope with the given random engine and executes the given function within it.
withZone(ZoneId) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.NanoClock
worst(C, C) - Method in enum org.jenetics.Optimize
Return the worst value, according to this optimization direction.
write(Object, String) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Write the (serializable) object to the given path.
write(Object, Path) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Write the (serializable) object to the given path.
write(Object, File) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Write the (serializable) object to the given file.
write(Object, OutputStream) - Method in class org.jenetics.util.IO
Write the (serializable) object to the given output stream.


ZERO - Static variable in enum org.jenetics.BitGene
ZERO - Static variable in class org.jenetics.engine.EvolutionDurations
Constant for zero evolution durations.
zeros() - Method in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
Return the indexes of the zeros of this bit-chromosome as stream.


_genes - Variable in class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
Array of genes which forms the chromosome.
_genes - Variable in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
The boolean array which holds the BitGenes.
_length - Variable in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
The length of the chromosomes (number of bits).
_p - Variable in class org.jenetics.BitChromosome
The ones probability of the randomly generated Chromosome.
_probability - Variable in class org.jenetics.AbstractAlterer
The altering probability.
_valid - Variable in class org.jenetics.AbstractChromosome
Indicates whether this chromosome is valid or not.
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