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AbstractTreeChromosome<A,G extends AbstractTreeGene<A,G>> - Class in org.jenetics.ext
Abstract base implementation of a TreeChromosome.
AbstractTreeChromosome(ISeq<? extends G>) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeChromosome
AbstractTreeGene<A,G extends AbstractTreeGene<A,G>> - Class in org.jenetics.ext
Abstract implementation of the TreeGene interface..
AbstractTreeGene(A, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
Creates a new tree-gene from the given data.
alter(Population<G, C>, long) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.WeaselMutator
attach(TreeNode<T>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Remove the given child from its parent and makes it a child of this node by adding it to the end of this node's child array.
attach(T...) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Attaches the given children to this node.
attach(T) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Attaches the given child to this node.


BigIntegerChromosome - Class in org.jenetics.ext
Numeric chromosome implementation which holds arbitrary sized integer numbers.
BigIntegerChromosome(ISeq<BigIntegerGene>) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
Create a new chromosome from the given genes array.
BigIntegerChromosome(BigInteger, BigInteger, int) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
Create a new random BigIntegerChromosome with the given length.
BigIntegerChromosome(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
Create a new random DoubleChromosome of length one.
BigIntegerGene - Class in org.jenetics.ext
Numeric chromosome implementation which holds an arbitrary sized integer number.
bind(ISeq<G>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
This method is used by the AbstractTreeChromosome to attach itself to this gene.
breadthFirstIterator() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return an iterator that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in breadth-first order.
breadthFirstStream() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return a stream that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in breadth-first order.


checkTreeState() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
childAfter(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the child which comes immediately after this node.
childBefore(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the child which comes immediately before this node.
childCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
childCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
childCount() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the number of children this tree node consists of.
childCount() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
childIterator() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return an iterator of the children of this Tree node.
childOffset() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
childOffset() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTree
Return the index of the first child node in the underlying node array.
childOffset() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
Return the index of the first child node in the underlying node array.
childStream() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return a forward-order stream of this node's children.
copy() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
crossover(MSeq<G>, MSeq<G>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.SimulatedBinaryCrossover
crossover(TreeNode<A>, TreeNode<A>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.SingleNodeCrossover
crossover(TreeNode<A>, TreeNode<A>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.TreeCrossover
Template method which performs the crossover.


depth() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Returns the depth of the tree rooted at this node.
depthFirstIterator() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return an iterator that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in depth-first order.
depthFirstStream() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return a stream that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in depth-first.
detach() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Detaches the subtree rooted at this node from the tree, giving this node a null parent.


equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
equals(Tree<?, ?>, Tree<?, ?>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Checks if the two given trees has the same structure with the same values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode


firstChild() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the first child of this node, or Optional.empty() if this node has no children.
firstLeaf() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the first leaf that is a descendant of this node; either this node or its first child's first leaf.
flattenedNodes() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
Return the whole flattened tree values in breadth-first order.
flattenedNodes() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTree
Return the whole flattened tree values in breadth-first order.
flattenedNodes() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
FlatTree<V,T extends FlatTree<V,T>> - Interface in org.jenetics.ext.util
Tree specification, where the nodes of the whole tree are stored in an array.
FlatTreeNode<T> - Class in org.jenetics.ext.util
Default implementation of the FlatTree interface.


getAllele() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
getAllele() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
getChild(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
Return the child gene with the given index.
getChild(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
getChild(int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the child node with the given index.
getChild(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Returns the child at the specified index in this node's child array.
getContiguity() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.SimulatedBinaryCrossover
Return the contiguity value of the crossover.
getIndex(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Returns the index of the specified child in this node's child array, or -1 if this node doesn't contain the given child.
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
getMax() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
getMin() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
getParent() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
Return the parent node of this tree node.
getParent() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
getParent() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the parent node of this tree node.
getParent() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Returns this node's parent if available.
getPath() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Returns the path from the root, to get to this node.
getRoot() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
getRoot() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.TreeChromosome
Return the root gene of this chromosome.
getRoot() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
Returns the root of the tree that contains this node.
getRoot() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Returns the root of the tree that contains this node.
getValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.TreeGene
getValue() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
getValue() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the value of the current Tree node.
getValue() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Return the node value


hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
hashCode(Tree<?, ?>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Calculates the hash code of the given tree.
hashCode() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode


identical(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
identical(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
identical(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Tests whether this node is the same as the other node.
insert(int, TreeNode<T>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Removes the child from its present parent (if it has one), sets the child's parent to this node, and then adds the child to this node's child array at index index.
isAncestor(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return true if the given node is an ancestor of this node.
isChild(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return true if the given node is a child of this node.
isDescendant(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return true if the given node is a descendant of this node.
isLeaf() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return true if this node has no children.
isRelated(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Returns true if and only if the given node is in the same tree as this node.
isRoot() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
isRoot() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
isRoot() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Returns true if this node is the root of the tree.
isSibling(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Test if the given node is a sibling of this node.
isValid() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
iterator() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return an iterator that traverses the subtree rooted at this.
iterator() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Return an iterator that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in pre-order.


lastChild() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the last child of this node, or Optional.empty() if this node has no children.
lastLeaf() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the last leaf that is a descendant of this node; either this node or its last child's last leaf.
leafCount() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Returns the total number of leaves that are descendants of this node.
level() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Returns the number of levels above this node.


map(Function<FlatTreeNode<T>, ? extends B>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
Return a sequence of all mapped nodes of the whole underlying tree.
mean(BigIntegerGene) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene


newInstance(ISeq<BigIntegerGene>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
newInstance(Number) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
newInstance(BigInteger) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
newInstance() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
newInstance(A, int, int) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.TreeGene
Return a new tree gene with the given allele and the local tree structure.
nextLeaf() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Returns the leaf after this node or Optional.empty() if this node is the last leaf in the tree.
nextNode() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the node that follows this node in a pre-order traversal of this tree node.
nextSibling() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the next sibling of this node in the parent's children array, or null if this node has no parent or it is the last child of the paren.


of(BigIntegerGene...) - Static method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
Create a new DoubleChromosome with the given genes.
of(BigInteger, BigInteger, int) - Static method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
Create a new random DoubleChromosome.
of(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerChromosome
Create a new random DoubleChromosome of length one.
of(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
Create a new random BigIntegerGene with the given value and the given range.
of(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
Create a new random BigIntegerGene.
of(Tree<? extends V, ?>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
Create a new FlatTreeNode from the given tree.
of(T) - Static method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Return a new TreeNode with the given node value.
of() - Static method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Return a new TreeNode with a null tree value.
ofTree(Tree<? extends T, ?>) - Static method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Return a new TreeNode from the given source tree.
org.jenetics.ext - package org.jenetics.ext
org.jenetics.ext.util - package org.jenetics.ext.util


pathFromAncestorIterator(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return an iterator that follows the path from ancestor to this node.
postorderIterator() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return an iterator that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in post-order.
postorderStream() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return a stream that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in post-order.
preorderIterator() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return an iterator that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in pre-order.
preorderStream() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return a stream that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in pre-order.
previousLeaf() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the leaf before this node or null if this node is the first leaf in the tree.
previousNode() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the node that precedes this node in a pre-order traversal of this tree node.
previousSibling() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the previous sibling of this node in the parent's children list, or Optional.empty() if this node has no parent or is the parent's first child.


recombine(Population<G, C>, int[], long) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.TreeCrossover
remove(int) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Removes the child at the specified index from this node's children and sets that node's parent to null.
remove(TreeNode<T>) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Remove the child from this node's child array, giving it a null parent.
removeAllChildren() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Removes all children fo this node and setting their parents to null.


select(Population<G, C>, int, Optimize) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.WeaselSelector
setValue(T) - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Sets the user object for this node.
sharedAncestor(Tree<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Returns the nearest common ancestor to this node and the given node.
siblingCount() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the number of siblings of this node.
SimulatedBinaryCrossover<G extends NumericGene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics.ext
Performs the simulated binary crossover (SBX) on a Chromosome of NumericGenes such that each position is either crossed contracted or expanded with a certain probability.
SimulatedBinaryCrossover(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.SimulatedBinaryCrossover
Create a new simulated binary crossover alterer with the given parameters.
SimulatedBinaryCrossover(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.SimulatedBinaryCrossover
Create a new simulated binary crossover alterer with the given parameters.
SingleNodeCrossover<G extends TreeGene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics.ext
Swaps two, randomly chosen, nodes (sub-trees) from two given trees.
SingleNodeCrossover(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.SingleNodeCrossover
SingleNodeCrossover() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.SingleNodeCrossover
size() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
size() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return the number of nodes of this node (sub-tree).
stream() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
Return a stream of all nodes of the whole underlying tree.
stream() - Method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return a stream that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in breadth-first order.


toCompactString(Tree<?, ?>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return a compact string representation of the given tree.
toDottyString(Tree<?, ?>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return a string representation of the given tree in dotty syntax.
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.AbstractTreeGene
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.BigIntegerGene
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.FlatTreeNode
toString(Tree<?, ?>) - Static method in interface org.jenetics.ext.util.Tree
Return a string representation of the given tree, like the following example.
toString() - Method in class org.jenetics.ext.util.TreeNode
Tree<V,T extends Tree<V,T>> - Interface in org.jenetics.ext.util
General purpose tree structure.
TreeChromosome<A,G extends TreeGene<A,G>> - Interface in org.jenetics.ext
Chromosome for tree shaped genes.
TreeCrossover<G extends TreeGene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics.ext
Abstract implementation of tree base crossover recombinator.
TreeCrossover(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.TreeCrossover
Constructs an tree crossover with a given recombination probability.
TreeGene<A,G extends TreeGene<A,G>> - Interface in org.jenetics.ext
Representation of tree shaped gene.
TreeNode<T> - Class in org.jenetics.ext.util
A general purpose node in a tree data-structure.


WeaselMutator<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics.ext
Mutator implementation which is part of the Weasel program algorithm.
WeaselMutator(double) - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.WeaselMutator
WeaselMutator() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.WeaselMutator
WeaselSelector<G extends Gene<?,G>,C extends Comparable<? super C>> - Class in org.jenetics.ext
Selector implementation which is part of the Weasel program algorithm.
WeaselSelector() - Constructor for class org.jenetics.ext.WeaselSelector
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© 2007-2017 Franz Wilhelmstötter  (2017-08-22 19:30)